if you interested in this product , please contact us.
Web Form automatically populate Client Printer in Form , user can choice Printer and Direct Print PDF report Object to Client Printer .
deployment product required :
1.need use JRE 1.4-1.8
2.only support PDF subset report
3.some old version non-standard font must replace with new verion ,ex: kaiu.ttf must change cns11643 TW-Kai-98.ttf ,cause fontbox not support old version font.
4.form 10 all jar file including oralce oringinal jar need to re-sign , form 11/12 frmwebutil.jar and jacob need re-sign ,if form 11/12 also user webstar and sal ,
frmall,frmsal also need to re-sign .
ps:no need set printer in report server
ps1:no need install OraRRP to client
ps2: java extension plugin , support jpi 1.4+ , can use only for PDF subset Report .
demo use video :
This demo use Pdf Creator vitual printer of my PC .
Direct Print Result .